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Whilst TasWriters is without a Director, the Board of Management will fulfil that role between them. The Chair will be the first point of contact for matters that the Director would normally handle.

Financial Officer: Erika Thomson

See board info for bio.

Volunteer program coordinator: Arianne James

Arianne is a writer of fiction and avid reader. Her stories have been published in The Hunter Writers Centre’s Grieve anthology, Swinburne University’s journals Backstory and Other Terrain, and Corvid Queen magazine.

Arianne holds a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (2017) and First-class Honours in Creative Writing (2019) from the University of Tasmania. She has been a writer in residence at Varuna in NSW four times since 2015. In 2020 Arianne was shortlisted for the HNSA Elizabeth Jane Corbett mentorship, and in 2021 she was awarded grants from RANT Arts and Arts Tasmania to allow her to begin a mentorship with Dr. Angela Slatter.

In 2021 she was also awarded a Tasmanian Residencies grant to spend a month as writer in residence at Patterdale House. In 2022 she was shortlisted for the Margaret Scott Young Writers Fellowship at the Tasmanian Literary Awards. In 2023 she was awarded an ‘Upcoming Writer Fellowship’ at the Katherine Susannah Prichard retreat in WA, and an emerging writer residential fellowship at Chateau d’Orquevaux in France.

In 2024 she was shortlisted for the ASA/HQ Fiction Prize for her first novel, ‘Second Skin.’

The Book Shelf on Edge Radio is a weekly radio program dedicated to showcasing all things books and writing in Tasmania. It brings ideas and insight about the industry from the wider literary community, both nationally and internationally, to Tasmanians. Arianne interviews people from all backgrounds – authors, teachers, students, librarians, journalists and more, for their unique perspectives on everything from the craft of writing, including different processes and techniques, to inspiration and the nitty gritty of the publishing world. Since the show started in November 2022, Arianne has interviewed over forty authors and writers.


G.P.O Box 90
Tasmania 7001

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