Whether you’re writing fiction or creative non-fiction, working with short stories, full length novels or screen plays, flashbacks are a commonly used technical device. They provide crucial backstory about the plot and characters, as well as ease the monotony of a linear story structure. A flashback can be written as a full scene, a partial scene or simply as a quick summary of a memory. It can be a hint of something to add texture and help build a nuanced character or it can be a major thread in a story.
Through discussions, readings and writing exercises, in this workshop we’ll explore what flashbacks add to a story and when they are needed. We’ll also look at techniques to seamlessly weave flashbacks into our stories in ways that enrich our plots and deepen our characters.
© 2019 Tasmanian Writers' Centre | ABN: 12-182-603-395 | Phone: (03) 6224 0029