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All authors need to learn how to promote their book in new and exciting ways, but self-publishers also need to market their book to bookshops and other potential outlets. This is generally an area that authors struggle with, because self-promotion doesn’t come naturally to most people.
This course will discuss the post-production steps of launching your book into the world. It includes:
Finalising your platform – the steps that you should take to make sure you are set up to release your book to the world.
Getting into bookshops – getting into bookshops, professional distributors and how to manage those relationships.
Your book launch – organising a physical launch, online launches and tips for both.
Marketing ideas and options – advice and tips on promoting your book online and offline.
Kylie Dunn always wanted to be a writer, but never imagined it was an achievable goal. After the life changing experience of her My Year of TED project, she has set about finally creating the life she wanted for herself. This included realising a life-long dream of writing books designed to help others pursue the lives they want for themselves. Now a self-published author of Do Share Inspire: The Year I
Changed My Life Through TED Talks and Write to Launch: A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing, Kylie also trains and supports other authors in achieving similar goals.
Each participant will receive a copy of Write to Launch, and a selection of templates to use (some of which are also available for download from the book resources page).
2 hours (+30min Q&A) (Limit 30 people)
Address:G.P.O Box 90 HobartTasmania 7001