Production partnerships between literature and music will be discussed, whilst pathways to creativity using words and sound will be explored via composition and lyrics.
We we will discuss the process behind combining words and music in a book, based on my 2021 publication “Travels with my suitcase; from Tasmania in search of sound.”
The session will involve both lecture style discussion and practical exercises, as well as an opportunity for a break and Q&A.
The first 30-40 minutes we will discuss:
-Songs as illustration of the words produced on CD and download card to accompany the book
-Lyrics inserted into chapters to enhance the narrative
-Context: which came first
-Process of writing and recording the words and music in tandem (The Map !)
-How that process then translated into an audiobook
-Play examples through laptop from album and audiobook
This will be followed by a discussion of 'lyrics as literature', an event which showcased the songwriting of band members in Nine Lives rock ‘n’ soul Revue (one of the bands I play in) in Living Writers Week 2006
The practical part of the class will then begin, in which we will brainstorm words on a theme set to a rhythm on djembe drum, demonstrating the the way music can prompt ideas and shift thinking in the use of words.
Musician and author. Teresa is a composer, songwriter, performer and community music facilitator. Whether playing in bands or leading workshops, she uses words and music to place experiences in front of people.
She has been an event coordinator and performance touring manager for bands, theatre, circus, dance and visual arts both freelance and through Tasmanian Regional Arts and the University of Tasmania NW Campus.
As a librarian and information researcher she has always gathered facts to inform peoples’ lives and work and endeavoured to expand people’s horizons through reader education. As an author she delivers anecdotes and truths through stories of the road.
Living in the Tasmanian wilderness together with an urban existence has given an acute slant to her observations on travel, music and the human responsibility of caring for our planet.
Represented in Who’s Who of Australian Women, on YouTube, Spotify and other streaming services and through her website: www.teresabeckswindale.com.au